The Government of Mongolia is implementing the “Ensuring Inclusiveness and Service Delivery for Persons with Disabilities Project” (the Project) with the financing of concessional loans and grant from the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

The Project aims to increase access to services and employment for persons with disabilities (PWD) to increase their autonomy and contribution to the economy and society in general.

The project has five outputs:

Output 1. Early identification of children with disabilities strengthened and institutionalized.

Output 2. Service delivery for persons with disabilities improved.

Output 3. Access to the physical environment improved.

Output 4. Work and employment for persons with disabilities improved.

Output 5. Strategic development to support persons with disabilities implemented.

The Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Protection (MFLSP)/Ministry is the Executing Agency and is responsible for ensuring the coordination of sector policies and programs, providing policy support for the effective implementation of the project, and the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) is responsible for ensuring the day-to-day operations of the project. See for more information about the project.


This is a full-time position in the Project Implementation Unit based in Ulaanbaatar. The MFLSP is now seeking to recruit a qualified candidate for the position of the Disability Specialist, who can effectively and efficiently provide support in coordinating the service delivery under the components of 1, 4 and 5 of the project, and report to the MFLSP and ADB.


Tasks and Responsibilities: 

-       Assist the consultants in performing the tasks in accordance with contracts to complete on time with high quality;

-       Oversight to the finalization and implementation of the early identification and early intervention system including child screening, child developmental delay assessment, and Portage program-home visiting educational service for pre-school children; training curriculum development and service strengthening; social welfare reform and ipiloting the ICF-based work ability assessment tools at project sites;

-       Management and review of consultant’s progress reports and deliverables;

-       Liaison with government and non-government agencies and organizations at national and sub-national levels to ensure smooth implementation of the project including with Ministry of Health (MOH) for implementation of the revised Child health card, and child developmental delay assessment tool for secondary level confirmatory of assessment;

-       Provide inputs in the draft new regulations for the implementation of the new employment service to PWD, including assist the Ministry in developing the organizational structure, service design and job description of the Employment Center for PWD;

-       Provide the administrative support to the planned training and consultations with various stakeholders;

-       Assist the PIU in finalization of the project progress reports and completion report at the end of project;

-       Assist the Gender consultant in implementation of the Gender Action Plan of the project;

-       Provide translation and interpreting support as required;

-       Other tasks as assigned by the Project Director and Project Coordinator.



-       Master degree in health, social work or the allied social sciences or equivalent

Work Experience & Skills

-       At least 5 years of work experience in the design, development and implementation of services for people with disabilities in social protection or health sector

-       5 years’ demonstrable experience in liaison with government at national and sub-national levels

-       Experience in training and capacity building is desirable

Language Proficiency:

-       Excellent writing skills and fluency in Mongolian and English

Computer Literacy:

-       MS Office proficiency such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc., and excellent web research and navigation skills

Other Skills :

-       High professional and personal integrity

-       Excellent communication and interpersonal skills

-       Ability to collaborate effectively with the relevant stakeholders and implementing agencies

-       Ability to function independently and collaboratively in a team environment, and

-       Organizational skills with the ability to handle multiple assignments



If you meet the required qualifications of the advertised position, please, submit (i) civil servant’s application, (ii) curriculum vitae in English and Mongolian, (iii) copies of diploma(s) and certificate(s) with English translation, and (iv) reference letter(s) from past employer(s) and ADB projects (if any) (English and Mongolian) in a sealed envelope by 11 AM of 05 March 2025 to the below address. Incomplete applications will be excluded from further evaluation. Only short-listed candidates will be invited to the joint interview. Submitted documents will not be returned to the applicant.

Address:                          Project Implementation Unit

State-owned Building XI, Baga Toiruu 44A

8th Khoroo, Sukhbaatar District

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Phone: 77335577


