Lee Hwa-Soo, a citizen of South Korea, and Shindo Nobupuk, a citizen of Japan, were awarded the "Top Worker" badge.

Rotary members devote their business achievements, heart, and professional skills to work for peace and social welfare not only in Mongolia but also in the world under the slogan "Let's serve others beyond ourselves". It has been 25 years since the development of the Rotary movement in our country, and Khuree Rotary Club has been operating continuously for 20 years.

They implemented dozens of projects in the field of humanitarianism, raised a huge amount of money, and made a great contribution to solving problems in the health, education, and other sectors of our country. International clubs and their generational members actively participated in it, and Lee Hwa-Soo from South Korea and Shindo Nobupuki from Japan played a special role.

In recognition of their real contribution to the strengthening of economic, social, and cultural relations and cooperation between the Republic of Korea, Japan, and Mongolia for the welfare of society, they were awarded the badge of the top worker in the field of labour and social protection.

H.E. Mr. S.Zulpkhar, Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Protection presented the badge of the head of the branch and expressed his gratitude.
