Prosthetics and Orthotics Specialists to Be Trained in Collaboration with Hong Kong and Germany’s “Human Study” Center
The head of the Division of
the Development of Persons with Disabilities at the Ministry of Family, Labour,
and Social Protection, S.
Regzen, along with the leadership of the Children’s Rehabilitation and
Development Center and the Rehabilitation, Training, and Production Center, met
with representatives of the Ulaanbaatar Rotary Club.
meeting was also attended by Dr. Liu King Lok, a pediatric orthopedic and
rehabilitation specialist from the Hong Kong Rotary Club; prosthetist Ann Wong;
Shilla Purves, an honorary member of the Mongolian Rehabilitation Society and a
member of the Hong Kong Rotary Club; and other relevant professionals.
The Ulaanbaatar Rotary Club and the
Hong Kong Rotary Club are jointly implementing the project titled
"Enhancing Children's Injury, Disability, and Rehabilitation
As part of the project, training
will be provided to prepare prosthetists, orthotists, and orthopedic orthotic
technicians in collaboration with the Hong Kong and Germany-based “Human Study”
center. Currently, there is a shortage of prosthetists, orthotists, and
orthopedic orthotic technicians in Mongolia, and no specialized training
programs are available in this field. Discussions were held on addressing the
shortage of human resource gaps in ensuring the rights of persons with
disabilities and enhancing cross-sectoral cooperation.