Operational strategic objectives

Within the scope of its vision, the Ministry shall implement the following strategic objectives: 

1.  To develop employment, social protection legislation, policies, strategies, program options and drafts, and plan sector financial, economic, investment and production policies;

To plan medium and short-term policy and provide policy guidance on sector legislation and strategies;

To plan employment legislation, strategic medium and short-term policy, develop draft legislation and policy documents, and provide policy guidance;

To plan medium and short-term policy on social protection legislation and strategy, develop draft legislation and policy documents, and provide policy guidance;

To provide budget planning, management and coordination to the Portfolio Minister, organize the implementation of sectoral investment, production policies and directions, spend the budget, keep records, prepare financial statements and calculations, provide necessary information and support

2. To develop, organize and coordinate the draft legislation, policies, strategies, program options, drafts of legislation aimed at ensuring the development of the population and its groups;

To plan medium and short-term policies and provide guidelines for legislation and strategies aimed at ensuring the development of the population and its groups;

To develop, organize and coordinate draft laws, policies, strategies, program options, drafts of legislation aimed at ensuring the development of children, youth, the elderly and families;

To draft legislation, policies, strategies, program options, drafting, organizing and coordinating the implementation of legislation aimed at ensuring the development of persons with disabilities, and ensuring public-private partnerships;

To provide consulting and organizational support to the National Gender Committee, and organize and coordinate the implementation of gender policies and decisions.

3.    To provide leadership in public administration, provide legal and internal services, provide necessary information, advice and support, and develop foreign cooperation;

To provide leadership in public administration and human resource management;

To provide professional and methodological advice in drafting the concept and draft legislation, to eliminate duplications, gaps and violations of the law, to ensure the implementation of the legislation, and to provide legal and internal support to the Minister and staff in making decisions;

To manage the internal finance and treasury sectors of the Ministry, to maintain accounting and reporting;

To carry out foreign cooperation in the sector, coordinate and support the implementation of cooperation agreements with foreign countries and international governmental and non-governmental organizations.

4.  To organize and coordinate the implementation of legislation, policies, strategies and programs on employment, vocational education and training, and to develop and implement programs and projects to support employment;

To organize and coordinate the implementation of legislation, policies, strategies and programs on employment, vocational education and training, and to provide policy guidelines and professional methodologies;

To develop and implement programs and projects to provide jobs for the unemployed, reduce poverty and support the creation of sustainable jobs;

To coordinate the policy of importing and exporting labor force and coordinating the employment of returnees;

To develop proposals for updating vocational education standards and curricula, implement policies to develop the national qualification system, and provide professional and methodological support.

5.  To organize and coordinate the implementation of legislation, policies and programs on labor relations;

To organize and coordinate the implementation of labor relations legislation, policies and decisions, provide policy guidance, regulate and support tripartite relations between labor and social consent;

To improve the civil service salary system, classification and rank, develop and coordinate proposals for draft legislation and decisions on social security;

To develop proposals on the private sector wage system, minimum wage, labor productivity, labor norms and standards, and cooperate with relevant organizations;

To improve standards, rules and regulations on occupational safety and health, provide policy guidance and coordinate implementation.

6.     To organize and coordinate the implementation of social protection legislation, policies, strategies and programs aimed at ensuring social security of the population;

To organize and coordinate the implementation of social protection legislation, policies, strategies and programs aimed at ensuring social security of the population;

To organize and coordinate the implementation of social insurance legislation and policy;

To organize the implementation of social welfare legislation and policies, and coordinate intersectoral policies to reduce poverty.

7.     To monitor and evaluate the implementation of industry legislation, policies, programs and activities, conduct internal inspections and audits, compile statistics and provide information to users.

To support the development of appropriate policies and strategies through internal monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of labor and population development, social protection legislation and policies, and evaluation of the results;

To develop information technology for labor and social protection, create a unified database and ensure information security;

To provide internal audit of law enforcement and financial operations, issue conclusions and recommendations, and provide advice and information.
