Online meeting with the World Bank's Social Protection and Employment Team

 G.Unurbayar, State Secretary of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, met virtually with representatives of the World Bank's Social Protection and Employment Team.

It was the summary meeting of a mission visit to the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection and its affiliated organizations on November 8-12, 2021 to support the operation of the "Employment Support Project".

During the meeting, the delegation presented and exchanged views regarding collected information on the implementation of the "Employment Promotion Project" and the "Emergency Support and Employment Project", as well as the main achievements and challenges.  The meeting was attended by the Director of the Employment Policy Implementation and Coordination Department of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection S.Dambii,  Economist Yang Huang, Senior Social Welfare Officer N. Mongolmaa, and Economist Natalia Millan of the World Bank and other relevant representatives.
