Project Number. 48076-002

Project Title. Ensuring Inclusiveness and Service Delivery for Persons with Disabilities Project

The Government of Mongolia is implementing the "Ensuring inclusiveness and service delivery for persons with disabilities project" (Project) with Loan No.3605 from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The Project aims to support the employment of persons with disabilities (PWD) by increasing access to services and livelihoods and self-reliance of PWD in Ulaanbaatar and the provinces (aimags) and thereby increasing their contribution to the economy and society. 

See details on

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection (MLSP) of Mongolia will engage with an international expert and one national consultant to support Mongolia’s National Statistical Office (NSO) in collecting and analyzing comparable international data on disability. MLSP will select the consultants in accordance with ADB’s "Guideline on the Use of Consultants " (as amended from time to time).

The assignment has the following objectives:

  1. Gather the statistical data and outcomes of the Household Socio-Economic Survey (HSES) and other surveys, support the international expert (Expert) in developing recommendations for survey questions and templates/tables for HSES report which includes statistics on PWD’s livelihoods and poverty rates;
  2. Support the Expert in developing guidelines on improving disability statistics and creating a database of service providers and building capacity for NSO staff and other relevant users;
  3. Gather all necessary data for calculating indicators of the Incheon Strategy, support the Expert in producing a report on indicators monitoring the implementation of the Incheon Strategy, and to support in conducting training for capacity building.

Scope of Works:

The consulting service will cover the following tasks but not limited to:

Under objective 1:

1.1.  Gather the statistical data and outcomes of the HSES and other surveys on disability using the WG recommendations;

1.2. Support the international expert in developing a new or revised set of questions/tools for the data collection on the level of livelihood, an income of PWD and their access to social protection services. Assist the Expert in developing templates/tables for HSES report which includes statistics on PWD’s livelihoods and poverty rates;

1.3. Support the introduction of the measurement of functional disability in other surveys along with relevant analysis and changes to publications;

Under objective 2:

2.1. Research surveys on disability statistics and the mechanism for collecting and analyzing the disability data;

2.2. Assist the Expert in developing guidelines on improving disability statistics and creating of a database of service providers;

2.3. Provide assistance to the international expert in developing and implementing training programs, modules and training resource materials on methodologies for the use of disability statistics and survey data;

Under objective 3:

3.1. Gather all necessary data for calculating indicators of the Incheon Strategy and other policy documents;

3.2. Support the Expert in producing a report on indicators monitoring the implementation of the Incheon Strategy;

3.3. Support the Expert in developing and implementing training programs, modules and training resource materials on monitoring the implementation of Incheon Strategy.

Qualifications/selection criteria for the position:

Education:  Suitable candidates should have a graduate degree in statistics, economics or equivalent discipline.

Experience: Candidate should have at least 8 years of experience in working with statistical offices, statistical systems and analysis of household surveys, preferably with experience in information technology. 

Language proficiency:            The consultant will need to be fluent in English and will need to be able to provide interpretation for the international   consultant

Other: Excellent knowledge of statistical software including STATA and SPSS and good interpersonal skills. 

The detailed Terms of Reference and other related information for this ensuing assignment can be found at website and under this notice


All interested eligible consultants should submit their Expression of Interest and CV in the English language via Consultant Management System of ADB on online, or in 1 original hard copy before the deadline of 15:00 hours of 30 January 2020 to the address below.

Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours 9:00 to 17:00.


Project Implementation Unit, Ensuring Inclusiveness and Service Delivery for Persons with Disabilities Project, Room 703, MAX TOWER, 4th khoroo, Chingeltei district, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, Tel: 976-7733-5577, E-mail:


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