Ministry of Labor and social protection Ministry of Education, culture, science and sports Request for expressions of interest Selection of individual consultants

ADB Loan no. 3243-MON (SF)

Project Title.    Skills for Employment Project

The Government of Mongolia has received a Loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to finance Skills for Employment Project, including the below Contracts. Ministry of Labor and Social Protection now invites eligible individual consultants to indicate their interest in the following Consulting Services:

Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Sports now invites eligible individual consultants to indicate their interest in the following Consulting Services:

All the positions have been posted at of the Asian Development Bank. Please refer to the below for the detailed Terms of Reference..

Consultants shall be selected according to “Guidelines on the Use of Consultants by Asian Development Bank and its Borrowers” which is provided on the ADB website


Interested eligible individual national applicants must provide in a written form in the English Language (i) cover letter containing information on your ability how you best suit for the position, (ii) Curriculum Vitae, (iii) copies of reference letter(s) from previous employers, (iv) copies of diplomas or certificates on or before 15:00 hours of 15 February 2018 to the submission address below. Please note documents that papers/documents submitted shall not be returned. Only short listed applicants shall be contacted.


Project Implementation Unit, Skills for Employment Project

Suite 600, MAX Tower, 4th khoroo, Tourist Street 4/4

Chingeltei district, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Tel: 7000 2055

Attached file
Title Download
1 National Agricultural Equipment Specialist CS08 – Individual contract
2 National Construction Equipment Specialist CS37 – Individual contract
3 National Road Construction, Vehicle Repair Equipment Specialist CS39 – Individual contract
4 National Civil Engineer CS40 – Individual contract
5 National Environmental Specialist CS44 – Individual contract
6 National Gender Specialist CS49 – Individual contract
7 National Career Guidance School Based Reporting Specialist CS48 – Individual contract