Social Security System to Undergo Reforms to Support People with Disabilities

L. Enkh-Amgalan, Member of Parliament and Minister for Family, Labour, and Social Protection, met with representatives from non-governmental organizations advocating for the rights of people with disabilities on September 2, 2024. The meeting focused on necessary reforms to improve support systems for people with disabilities in Mongolia.

NGO representatives highlighted the need to restructure the National Council and the Agency for the Protection of the Rights of People with Disabilities, enhance intersectoral coordination, and create development and employment opportunities through equal and inclusive policies.

As part of the Mongolian Government's 2024-2028 action plan, the social security system will undergo comprehensive reforms. A key initiative under this plan is the development of a unified industry platform that will allow individuals with disabilities to easily access personal information and services. Minister Enkh-Amgalan emphasized that efforts will focus on promoting employment by providing suitable jobs tailored to individuals' disabilities.

Additionally, the government will take steps to ensure accessibility by making interpreter and translator services widely available and enabling video calls to emergency numbers like 102, 103, and 108. Providing equal opportunities for people with disabilities is a cross-ministerial issue, involving the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Science, and the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Protection.

It was agreed that regular business meetings would be held monthly, with joint meetings between the three ministries every quarter to ensure ongoing collaboration and progress.
