The 2024-2025 cooperation plan for the joint country program between the Government of Mongolia and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has been officially approved

This plan is part of the broader 2023-2027 program aimed at enhancing the well-being and protection of children and adolescents across Mongolia.

Under the UNICEF program, various initiatives are set to empower children and adolescents, particularly those living outside family care, by safeguarding them from violence and exploitation in all environments, including families, schools, institutions, public places, and online spaces. The goal is to ensure that effective and high-quality child protection systems and services are accessible at both national and local levels.

The cooperation plan was signed by Minister of Labour and Social Protection Kh. Bulgantuya and UNICEF's Resident Representative, Evariste Kouassi- Komlan. During discussions, Minister Bulgantuya emphasized the importance of strengthening Mongolia's family-centered child protection system, including the implementation of the revised Child Protection Law. Key areas of focus include organizing training and advocacy programs, enhancing the qualifications of social workers, and integrating digital technology into the child protection system. 
