We invite you to "Career expo-2023" Youth Labour Day
On the 28th of this month, a day will be held at the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry with the aim of promoting employment, promoting laws, policies, and activities in the field of labour relations, and providing placement for young people in permanent and part-time jobs. This event is unique in that the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection is jointly organizing the United Council of Alumni Abroad, HR Club, and the Council of Mongolians Abroad, within the framework of public-private partnership.
The following events will be held during the event. It includes:
Major employers will announce about 2,500 jobs in 40 organizations and make human resources;
Job mediation and classroom discussion events will be held online through the Expomongolia.org platform, regardless of location;
"Experimental project to support employers" will be presented and registered;
"Skills in Demand Program" will be introduced and registered;
The integrated labour market system will introduce the E-Job platform;
Provide recommendations and information on how to study abroad, get a scholarship, how to effectively apply what you have learned in your country, get a job, and provide job placements;
The "Decent Work of Youth" national network will provide information on raising awareness of decent work.
Young people will share their "work and success stories", vocational and psychological counseling, training institutions and mentors, street raffle events and Open-mic events for young people will be organized.