"Unitel HUB" training and information center was opened in Bayan-Olgii province

Within the framework of public-private cooperation, the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, the Government's implementing agency, the Department of Family, Children and Youth Development, and Unitel Company are jointly establishing "Unitel Hub" in 10 provinces where children and youth can access technological advances and electronic services. One of them, Unitel Hub of Bayan-Olgii Province, was established at the Department of Family, Children and Youth of the province. Deputy Minister for Labour and Social Protection S. Zulphar, Member of Parliament T. Aubakir, Deputy Governor of the province KH. Arman attended the opening of the center and met with representatives of children and youth and wished them success.

Children and youth through the UNITEL HUB:

Participate in English language, informatics, Mongolian writing and coding courses

Get the necessary information from the electronic environment

Reading, listening, using Mplus application

Watch Look TV and all kinds of e-courses

Services such as attending morning interviews and meetings are available.

