The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the United Nations Children's Fund are organizing a program-based budgeting course in Zavkhan province on the 6th-7th of this month.
The training is opened by Mr G.Unurbayar, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, and Mr D.Tuvshinjargal, Provincial Governor of Zavkhan. Ms N.Bayarmaa, Head of Family Policy Implementation Coordination Department of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, and Ms G.Myagmarsuren, Child Protection Service Policy and Service Budgeting, Zavkhan Province Governor's Office Chief, were informed of Child-Friendly Local Programs Implementation Program. Also, international consultants and guest lecturers presented program-based planning methodology on the example of Child Protection budget planning.
The training is more significant because it is participated by the head of the treasury department of Zavkhan province, where they implement the child-friendly community program, the head of the social development department, the financial officer, the expert and financial officer of the National Development and Reform Commission, the head of the Department of Family and Child and Youth Development of Gobi-Altai and Bayankhongor provinces, experts and financial officers.