The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection and the Center for Gender Equality have been implementing the project “Preventing Violence Against Women and Supporting Victims” since 2019 in cooperation with the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family of the Republic of Korea
uploaded pictureThe Ministry of Labour and Social Protection and the Center for Gender Equality have been implementing the project “Preventing Violence Against Women and Supporting Victims” since 2019 in cooperation with the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family of the Republic of Korea.

 The project organizes annual meetings and discussions to improve cross-sectoral coordination and improve the quality and accessibility of services provided to victims of human trafficking. This year, a panel discussion was held on “Preventing Violence Against Women, Combating Trafficking in Persons for Sexual Exploitation, and Strengthening Cooperation in Victim Assistance”.

Ms. N.Bayarmaa, Director , Family Policy Implementation and Coordination Department of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, Ms. L. Nyamgerel Head of the Coordination Council for Crime Prevention of the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs, Lim SunYoung, Member of the Human Rights Violation Committee of the National Human Rights Commission of Korea Representatives of governmental and NGOs operating in the field of family development issues.

 Discussions on “State policy on protection system and services for victims of human trafficking”, “Legal environment for protection of victims of trafficking in human beings and its implementation” and “Social work and services for victims of trafficking in human beings” within the framework of the discussion, recommendations will be made and further measures will be taken.uploaded picture
