G. Ankhbayar: Campaign to check the rate and duration of disability has started

The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection has launched a campaign to monitor the rate and duration of the disability. In this regard, G. Ankhbayar, an officer from the Social Insurance Policy Implementation and Coordination Department, is going to provide information on the “Inspection of Disability” campaign.


-What is determining disability? What does the law say?

In order to receive a disability pension from the social insurance fund, social insurance premiums must be paid for a certain period of time, and a professional organization must make a professional decision on the disability. In this regard, Article 28.1 of the Law on Social Insurance states that “professional activities to determine the cause, rate and duration of loss of normal mental, sensory and physical functions of people and their disability (full or partial loss of ability to work). This process is called labour loss verification.”

-Which organization is responsible for the Medical verification for labour capacity loss?

 According to Article 29.1 of the Law on Social Insurance, “Medical verification for Labour capacity loss shall be carried out by the relevant commission consisting of specialists, social insurance and representatives of organizations protecting the interests of owners and insured persons.”

According to this provision, there is a Main Commission of Medical verification for labour capacity loss under the General Agency of Social Insurance and sub-commission for Medical Verification for Labour capacity loss under the local branches in charge of Social Insurances.


-For what diseases, does the Commission determine the cause of disability?

According to the Article 29.2 of the Law on Social Insurance, the Medical verification Labour capacity loss Commission determines the insured's incapacity for work due to common diseases, domestic and industrial accidents, and occupational diseases, and its level and duration.

-Apart from the Law on Social Insurance, what other regulations govern the activities of the Medical Verification for Labour capacity Loss Commission?

Article 29.4 of the Law on Social Insurance states, “The Government shall approve the charter of the Medical Verification for Labour capacity Commission.” According to the “Regulations of the Medical Verification for Labour capacity loss Commission” approved by the Government Resolution No. 67 of 2021, this activity is regulated in detail.

-What is regulated by the charter of the medical verification for labour capacity loss commission?

According to this charter, the Medical Verification for Labour capacity loss Commission shall determine the cause, rate and duration of the insured's (citizen's) disability, extend, terminate, shorten working hours, change working conditions, determine the activities, rights and obligations of stakeholders, and provide incentives and regulates relations about use of databases, inspections and responsibility.

-What is the composition of the medical verification commission?

The Main Commission shall consist of a total of 15 staff including the chairman, a secretary, 6 examiners, 5 experts, 1 representative of the insured and the employer. The local commission will be non-staff and will consist of a chairperson, deputy chairperson, secretary, 1 certifying physician, 3 specialized doctors, 1 staff each from social welfare organization, trade union representative and PWD representative. 

-What list of diseases does the Medical verification for labour loss commission follow?

 The list of diseases to be used to determine the insured's (citizen's) disability, the rate and duration of disability are followed by the list approved by the joint orders of the Minister for Health and the Minister for Labour and Social Protection A / 39 and A / 12 of 2017.

-How does the Medical verification commission meet and make decisions?

 The activities of the Medical Verification Commission shall be in the form of a meeting and shall be organized in the following forms:

            1. to hold a meeting in the presence of the insured (citizen);

            2. to convene on the basis of relevant documents without the presence of the insured (citizen);

            3. meeting electronically;

            4. Meetings are held in nomadic form.


-How does the hospital labor verification commission deal with civil disability?

The decision of the medical verification commission working at the medical institution shall determine the reasons for the insured's (citizen's) disability, its rate, duration, extension, termination, reduction of working hours and change of working conditions.

 If the commission working at this medical institution considers that the person has lost his / her ability to work, he/she shall submit a proposal to the Commission and make a decision at the special meeting.


What are the inspection rules for medical verification in its charity?

 The “Regulations of the Medical Verification Commission” was approved by Government Resolution No. 67/2021 states that the Main Commission shall regularly monitor the activities of the branch and local commissions, documents and databases in both soft and hard versions.

 In addition, the Main Commission is required to re-inspect at least three times a year the activities of sectoral and local commissions with above-average risk conditions based on the assessment and evaluation using the database.

However, the Main Commission, based on an assessment and evaluation using a database, conducts joint inspections of high-risk sectors and local commissions at least twice a year in cooperation with the Main Commission's expert doctors and the Professional Sub-Council under the Government organization in charge of health. This means a more professional team, such as a health sub-committee.

 In addition, the State Inspection Agency shall conduct inspections of the activities of the main branch and local commissions in accordance with the law. This makes it possible to conduct examinations on a transparent and fair basis and to prevent breaking the regulations.

-What are the responsibilities in the law and regulations after the inspection?

Article 29.1 (1) and 2 (2) of the Law on Pensions and Benefits from the Social Insurance Fund and the Law on Infringement provide for penalties for illegally granting pensions and benefits.

In addition, Articles 13.1-13.5 of the “Regulations of the Medical Verification Commission” approved by the Government Resolution No. 67 of 2021 state that the following measures shall be taken. These include:

            - The chairman, deputy chairman, members and secretary of the commission shall be held liable in accordance with the relevant legislation for unreasonably determining and extending the reasons, rates and terms of the insured's (citizen's) disability due to errors and violations in the hospital's labour inspection process.

            - If the insured (citizen) attempted to establish the cause, rate and term of disability by making false documents, the damage shall be compensated and the liability specified in the relevant legislation shall be imposed.

            -If a supervising and treating doctor, a specialized doctor, or a family health centre doctor tries to establish the cause, rate, and duration of disability by making false documents, the insured (citizen) shall be compensated and the damage shall be specified in the relevant legislation. be held accountable.

            - Employees of health care organizations who falsify instrumental and laboratory tests in order to determine and extend the causes, rates and duration of disability shall be held liable in accordance with relevant legislation.

            - In order to determine and extend the causes, rates and duration of disability, officials and any person who illegally influenced the members of the commission shall be held liable in accordance with the relevant legislation.

-How many people have lost their ability to work in our country?

By the end of 2019, the number of people who lost their ability to work due to common diseases, domestic and industrial accidents, acute poisoning, and occupational diseases was 111,386 and 110,393 at the end of 2020 which is 3.4 percent of the total population, according to the Medical Verification Commission. as of.

Out of 110,393 citizens, 34.3% live in the capital city and 61.2% live in rural areas, while the number of people certified by the sub-councils of mental and occupational diseases is 4,968.

49.6 percent of citizens who lost their ability to work lost their ability to work by more than 70 percent or completely, and 50.4 percent lost up to 69 percent or half of their ability to work. Of the total number of people with disabilities, 58.5 percent are men and 41.5 percent are women. The age group of 41-50 years is the largest or 32.0 percent.

 The 5 main causes of disability are internal diseases, mental illness, neurological diseases, trauma and eye diseases, which account for 77.1 percent.

-Let's continue talking about the Inspection Campaign.

 Recently, there have been many complaints and information from citizens and some organizations that a healthy person is falsely diagnosed as ill, receives a disability pension from the social insurance and welfare fund, a healthy person is falsely diagnosed as corrupt, and a sick person is not admitted to a commission meeting. is coming.

Therefore, the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, the General Agency of Social Insurance, the Main Commission for Medical Verification, other government organizations, independent non-governmental organizations, and citizens should conduct nationwide inspections to determine the rate and duration of disability for the insured (citizen). is starting to work.


-How long will this inspection campaign last? 

The campaign will run for 30-60 days from August 23, 2021, depending on the situation in Covid19. The inspection is planned to cover all valid decisions of the Medical Labor Verification Commission under the Social Insurance Departments of all aimags and districts.


-Will you openly accept suggestions, requests and complaints from citizens and organizations?

Within the framework of this inspection, we will receive complaints, requests and information from citizens by calling 7777-1289, 1800-0724, 11-11, and resolve complaints promptly.


-Will there be regular inspections in the future?

This campaign is not limited to monitoring the causes, rates, duration, and termination of disability.

The “Regulations of the Medical Verification Commission” approved by the Government Resolution No. 67 of 2021 stipulate that the Central Commission will monitor the activities of the branch and local commissions, electronic and paper documents and databases on a regular basis.


  Source: National Post 
